Saturday, October 25, 2014

Vintage tops update ! October 2014

Vintage Tops Update! of October 2014

If you are looking for vintage perfect quality tops, you must check this album.

We proudly present our vintage tops which will update monthly, as we had corrected more than 1000 pieces.

Anyway,  if you guy didn't see any update on this blog, please note that we always update our catalog weekly at

If you need more stock of vintage dresses or tops, you can let us know anytime at

Regarding to bulk order(more than 200 pieces), 
please give us times and let us know in advance at least 2-3 weeks.

Here is a sample picture of VINTAGE TOPS collection.
you can check all these album at the link mention above.

wholesale vintage clothing --- please contact

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Hello Vintage folk :-)

So sorry that we didn't update on this blog for long time.

Now we've upload our new album of vintage dress in picasa catalog

Please follow the link below to check it.

For more information please feel free to contact us at

Sample image of this batch !

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Vintage Skirts "sourcing service" !!!

If you are looking for vintage skirts such as,original wide skirts, pencil skirts,
floral print, unique graphic ,plain color with classic pattern and etc.
We can offer you a sourcing service for "VINTAGE SKIRTS" in the style like the picture below.

Please contact us at for more information.

Friday, April 18, 2014

S p e c i a l   D r e s s  (SP)
Updated on April 2014

The vintage dress with outstanding print and delicate details.

(:  please go to for more items :)